路由# 321076470

决定的技巧 儿童津贴

2019年11月8日 4分钟

Good habits can last a lifetime – so start early in teaching your child how to handle money. One avenue of teaching is via allowance, which can provide a sense of independence, 鼓励储蓄, and teach children the cost of things.

If you’re going to give an allowance, you must decide the amount. A 2018 survey from allowance tracker RoosterMoney found that the average child aged 4-14 takes home around $8.43 a week – with most getting around $1 for each year and the amount increasing as they got older. For instance, a 6-year-old would get $6, a 7-year-old would get $7 a week and so on.

How much they get should ultimately be based on your values and family budget – as well as what you expect them to buy and your area’s cost of living. Here’s a few approaches that can help you decide.


It’s simple: when your child does chores, they get paid. 没有家务就意味着没有钱. This approach has several advantages, including teaching that money requires work. It also helps them make choices and learn consequences. For example, if they choose not to do the dishes, they don’t get the money wanted to buy a new toy. 请注意, 虽然, that this approach can also suggest that they don’t have to do chores — that chores are a choice.

Chore-based allowance can also be seen as a reward for doing things that your kids should do anyway: cleaning up after themselves and helping around the house. One way to deal with this is to decide which chores are tied to allowance and which tasks (such as putting dirty clothes in the hamper) are expectations and not options.

给一个 一致的津贴

Another approach is to give kids an allowance each week no matter what. 分别, they are expected to do their chores and help around the house because they are part of the family. There is no link to allowance and work. 通过这种方法, your child has money no matter what – so they can gain firsthand experience with real money. You can also reinforce that chores are something they are expected to do because they are part of the family. 然而, 通过这种方法, some children may take away the idea that money will always be available and handed to them.

使用一个 混合方法

还有第三种选择. Give your child a set amount of money each week as allowance, which is not tied to any chore or job. 弄清楚, 作为家庭的一部分, they are expected to do certain daily chores like clearing up their dishes and cleaning up their toys. Then, if your child wants to earn additional money, they can do other jobs around the house. These should be different from the daily chores they are always expected to do. Some examples would be cleaning windows, raking leaves, giving the dog a bath or raking the leaves.

For younger children, always give them allowance in cash and coins. It’s easier for a child to learn about money if they are working with the tangible kind."

6个聪明的做法 无论金额多少

Regardless of how much you decide to give your kids, these allowance practices will be helpful in teaching your child the right behaviors and attitudes.

  1. 设定界限. Make clear to your child the types of purchases you expect him or her to make with allowance, 而不是你要付的钱.
  2. 鼓励储蓄. 谈谈储蓄的好处. You may consider giving a smaller amount more frequently (for example, $5 each Saturday versus $20 once a month) to 鼓励储蓄. You could also consider giving a bonus – for example, 当你的孩子存了40美元, 给他们额外的5美元.
  3. 使用现金. For younger children, always give them allowance in cash and coins. It’s easier for a child to learn about money if they are working with the tangible kind. A clear jar or see-through piggy bank can also be used so they can see their money physically grow. When your child is older, consider a credit union account – Patelco offers a 青少年支票帐户 也有很高的兴趣 货币市场帐户.
  4. 是一致的. Stick to a regular schedule and give your child the same amount of money on the same day each week or month. This will help them learn how to plan.
  5. 考虑了. If your child handles their allowance well, consider giving an allowance "raise" as a reward.
  6. 保持零用钱为正. 不要把零用钱当作惩罚. If your child misbehaves, don’t take away their money that week. Because allowance is children’s first hands-on experience with money, you don’t want it to cause them anxiety. There are plenty of other ways to punish your child by taking away privileges, electronics and toys.


Source: Broadridge Financial Solutions, accessed October 18, 2019.

